Why is it when you call a "Hail Mary" shot and atually almost make it, people (usually people who THINK they can play) say shit like "holy, I can't believe that almost went", or "wow, that would have been lucky"??? How long have you been playing pal? I saw the shot, I called the shot, and I almost made the damn shot - you should be in awe you nit-wit! Yeah it would have been nice to make the shot (I'm talking taking the cue ball off two rails, kicking the 8 and caroming it off another ball across the table into the side pocket - I came a little less than 3" short of the side pocket), but the fact that I saw it and called it should be enough to make your head spin when you can't even pot more than 3 balls in a row on any given day! If you can't recognize a how difficult that shot is to even attempt you should go back to Fun League and leave the big games to the real players!
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